Going Passwordless Why Your Enterprise should Switch to IDaaS

Going Passwordless Why Your Enterprise should Switch to IDaaS

You’ve read the title and probably wondered what IDaaS is and why your business should switch to it. Don’t worry; we’ve developed this simple guide to help you understand.

As technology improves, hackers and other cybercriminals are learning to catch up. Most forms of cybersecurity are no longer efficient against most attacks, which is why businesses have invested in passwordless solutions such as Fido login methods. Maybe you have even used similar systems in your industry.

The world is slowly moving on from traditional username and password security systems. If your business has not caught up with the latest trends in authentication, read our short discussion on IDaaS solutions.

What does IDaaS Mean?

IDaaS is an acronym that stands for Identity as a Service. It is a term used to refer to cloud-based authentication systems managed by a thirdparty. IDaaS protects sensitive data and makes it easier for companies to provide access to the right users.

IDaaS is a Software as a Service (SaaS) that improves identity management and empowers IT. They use single-sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and could-based and multi-tenant architecture.

What are the Benefits of IDaaS?

Reduce Risks of Cyberattacks

Perhaps the main reason why companies are switching to IDaaS is because of its enhanced security features and capabilities. Since IDaaS is passwordless, your database is safer from malware, phishing, and fraudulent links. Hackers will need a unique identity recognized by the IDaaS systems, which is near-impossible and can deter them from trying.

Save on Capital Costs

Managing your IT team can be expensive and consume much of the company’s resources. Implementing IDaaS in your enterprise can help save hardware and software installation costs, overhead, and maintenance. That way, you can focus on other technologies that can push your business forward.

Increases Productivity

Your IT team does not have to worry about managing your identity verification and authentication systems. Since database security will primarily be handled by a thirdparty, your in-house IT can focus on more productive tasks.

Offers Flexibility

These days, hybrid setups for a company’s IT needs are prevalent. Your company may have business-owned and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) available for work, and some of the data may be accessed throughcloud or on-premise. IDaaS allows your company to access business sites and information through dynamic cloud solutions wherever it may be.

Reduced Password Resets

Because IDaaS uses unique biometrics and information from the user, you do not have to worry about frequent password resets because an employee forgot or a hacker intruded on your enterprise’s systems. Not only will it save you funds, but IDaaS also saves time and labor.

Access to Expertise

When assembling your IT team, you will need to look for the most capable and high-quality individuals since technology is now a crucial aspect of entrepreneurship. That said, recruitment is not a walk in the park, and you’re not even sure if you hired the perfect candidate. 

By choosing to work with a third-party and utilizing their IDaaS system, you may have access to some of the best professionals in the field and use their skills and knowledge to further your company’s growth.

Is your company in need of a professional authentication system provider? We got your back. Visit authID at their website https://authid.ai/ to find out more about their expertise.
