“The Worst Person in the World” is a comedy directed by Joachim teal, starring Renate reinsford and Anders Danielson Lee. It was released in France on July 8, 2021. The film tells the story of a well-educated modern woman who is eager to realize her self-worth. When she meets the right man, she has differences with her lover due to fertility problems, and faces great life confusion at the age of 30. On July 25, 2022, the top20 best film of 2022 selected by Empire magazine was released, and “The Worst Person in the World” ranked third. If you are interested, you can watch The Worst Person in the World online free.
Introduction to The Worst Person in the World’s Plot
At the age of 30, Yulia (renat reinsford) is still at the crossroads of life. Although she loves axel, a successful cartoonist, has a strong sense of security, and is happy to be with him, she refuses to give birth to axel, who is eager for children. Yulia decided to leave axel and stay with evand, hoping to start a new life.
The chronicles of four years in the life of Julie, a young woman who navigates the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path, leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is. If you want to watch the full video for free, you can visit 4khotvideo.
The Worst Person in the World Film Review
The film is a comedy as light as a feather, which has a strong romantic style. At the vigorous time of the mee too movement, it shows the life plight of older young women in European cities in a playful way. Although the director is male, his sincere attitude and delicate technique make the story full of the possibility of continuous dialogue with the audience. Although Yulia is a Nordic woman, this character has a strong universality. Her emotional choices, love and marriage planning, and career aspirations are all approachable to female audiences around the world.